Maintaining health in young pregnancy is an important step to ensure the formation and development of fetal organs in the womb. Early pregnancy or early pregnancy are confusing moments. Various changes experienced, you should respond appropriately to keep the pregnancy healthy.
Many body adjustments are triggered by hormonal changes during pregnancy. It is intended that the baby can grow and develop normally and healthy in the womb.
Various Ways to Maintain Young Pregnancy
Here are some things that pregnant women can do to maintain a young pregnancy, including:Overcoming complaints and physical changes
Various physical changes in pregnancy that generally occur are nausea, vomiting (morning sickness), breast pain, frequent urination, fatigue, dizziness, difficulty defecating, and the desire to eat something out of the ordinary or cravings. In addition, there are also pregnant women who are sensitive to certain odors, such as perfume or cigarette smoke. To relieve the symptoms of morning sickness, pregnant women can consume food in smaller portions more often. Drink plenty of water, interspersed with ginger drinks. Not only that, adequate rest also helps reduce feelings of weakness during young pregnancy. To prevent constipation during young pregnancy, limit fried foods, spicy foods, and soda drinks. Also include fiber-rich foods and do light body activities. Avoid holding back urination, because it can trigger urinary tract infections. To help deal with dizziness during young pregnancy, avoid standing too long and do not change positions suddenly. Lying to the left will help relieve dizziness.
Avoid cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, and limit caffeine
One risk factor that can cause miscarriage, premature babies, and problematic placentas is smoking. Some studies even link cigarettes to cleft lip conditions. Also avoid alcoholic drinks because it can increase the risk of low birth weight babies, growth and development disorders, and become hyperactive. Limit your intake of caffeine to avoid the risk of miscarriage and other problems in maintaining your pregnancy. In addition, avoid activities or hobbies that make pregnant women use chemicals such as cleaning fluids, pesticides, or those containing heavy metals.
Control emotional conditions
Pregnancy can trigger a variety of emotions, such as joy, excitement to anxiety and mood changes. Young pregnant women are often worried about the condition of the baby, the ability to care for, until the financial condition. However, do not let these things cause stress. Very normal pregnant women experience emotional changes that go up and down or suddenly feel like crying. Enjoy every process in maintaining a pregnancy, don't overexert or judge yourself. Ask for support from family and spouse. If mood changes become very intensive, consult an obstetrician or psychologist.
Strengthen relationships with partners
Pregnancy is a good time to increase intimacy in a partner. Express honestly about your perceived needs, concerns, problems and expectations. Ask your partner to do the same thing. Discussing these things together will help strengthen the sense of togetherness as a couple. The sexual activity of pregnant women is not uncommon, because of nausea, fatigue, or loss of mood. Choose the right moment to have sex, when pregnant women feel comfortable. No need to worry about the effects of these activities on the fetus, because the fetus is protected by sacs and amniotic fluid, uterine muscles, and fluids that protect the cervix against infections.
Watch out for signs of danger of pregnancy
Spots or mild bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy, including normal. However, beware of more bleeding accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Similarly, if the vaginal fluid during young pregnancy experiences discoloration, odor, or itching. There is a possibility of an infection that needs to be treated by a doctor immediately. Infection can also cause symptoms of burning or pain during urination. Nausea and vomiting are also normal during young pregnancy, which is generally getting lighter at 12-14 weeks of gestation. Consult a doctor if nausea and vomiting, accompanied by fever, bloody vomiting, irregular heartbeat, or excessive weight loss, dehydration and dizziness.
Carry out an examination to the midwife or doctor
Perform checks on the midwife or obstetrician regularly. The first visit, generally around the health of pregnant women and determining the gestational age. Initial examination in the first trimester of pregnancy can also identify risk factors and examine chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Examination in a normal first trimester pregnancy is every six weeks. Don't be shy to ask questions about pregnancy or delivery plans later to your midwife or obstetrician.
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